New! Private Classes
Heather’s Studio
I’ve really missed my students and teaching over the last few years so I’m very excited to announce I will now be offering private classes. My new studio is bright and cheery and perfect for teaching. I look forward to welcoming you here.
Do you have something that you’ve always wanted to learn? Perhaps a specific technique or to fine tune the skills you already have. I’d love to help you make advances in your beadmaking.
The possibilities are endless!
You might like to:
learn to clear-case a bead
work with large mandrels
make disk beads
make and apply stringers
try my Zanfirico (twisted cane) technique
You and I will work together to create the perfect class. Your class will be customized to answer all your questions and elevate your skill set. I have lots of tips + tricks to save you time, energy and lower your frustration level.
I will also share the tools I have designed and show you how I use each tool.
Each class will include:
All tools & supplies you need to use during class
A beautiful studio to work in
The class will be taught in my studio in El Cajon California.
A workshop day is 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. with a break for lunch
Private Class (1 person) one-day $685
Private Class (1 person) two-days $1,320
Semi-private Class (2 people) one-day $365 each
Semi-private Class (2 people) two-day $680 each
Small Group Class (3 people) one-day $255 each
Small Group Class (3 people) two-day $460 each
Send me an email at to set up a date for your class or to ask questions.
BONUS package included!
Dots Tutorial
Bumps Tutorial
Foundation Tutorial